Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Reflections on Avery Gordon's Workshop for the summer school

Write for the allotted time. When you are finished writing your scene, pass it on to the person next to you. That person should continue writing the scene for the next allotted time.
It is an exceptionally sunny day at the beach. Three friends are emerging from the sea having been for a swim. They lay on their stomachs and allow the tide to wash them up on the pebbled yet corse surface. As each crashing wave comes in over them, they inch further towards the dry baking pebbles of the beach. Further afield a loving couple sit in their leather upholstered car which is situated on a bank as they survey the coastline. The sun's glare bounces joyously off of their purple car bonnet. 
. . . A babies belching can be heard, her violet dress is constricting and doesn't sit well with her rather restless composure. She is in front, her car seat facing the coastline too. Mum and dad are silent, the scene allows them time alone but still together and with their daughter. Down on the lower road some boy racers are revving their engines. Josie, in her dress is reassured by the noise, she's thumping her hands on the dashboard and flapping her legs. One shoe drops and a frilly white sock is left half off. 

I liked Avery Gordon's interest in how artist's and theorists can use fictional or narrative writing as an alternative way of expressing there concepts, ideas, theories ect. as opposed to conventional essayist writing. Which reminded me of this theoretical-fiction novel called Cyclonopedia text by Reza Negarestani.

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