Miscommunication, vulnerability and ignorance resulting from translation and migration seemed to appear most in recent discussions, workshops, seminars and events organised both in conjunction as well as outside of the Lecture from behind the screen. And so Direct Speech Acts: Solidarities organised in the Centre for Possible Studies started with the distribution of leaflets informing about migrant's rights and instructions on how a witness may help someone stopped by the officer. Though many may be well informed about their rights, they remain unknown if not ignored by many foreigners. Their rights in their home country can sometimes be ridiculously different to those which apply in the UK.
talking about rights in our home country, just wanting to share the link about belo monte water plant construction in the middle of the amazon... this documentary was realeased during RIO + 20 event... and now activists, including the director of the film, are being persecuted. would be important if you could share this through your networks ... http://www.belomonteofilme.org/portal/ http://xingu23sp.noblogs.org/
a link to the English version - http://www.belomonteofilme.org/portal/en
Latest news on Belo Monte protestors: From: "Lawful Belo Monte Protestors Threatened with Imprisonment, by:
Inter-American Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA), date: Wednesday, June 27, 2012.
To see new versions of the leaflets, or if you would like to report any changes: http://www.lawas.org.uk/ or precariousworkersbrigade.tumblr.com/ or noborders.org.uk
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